
How to Analyze the Most Trusted Official Online Football Gambling Site in Indonesia

0 Comments December 8, 2020

How to Analyze the Most Trusted Official Online Football Gambling Site in Indonesia

Football matches are the most exciting and profitable online gambling objects. How to play soccer betting is quite easy at the best soccer agent, each participant just needs to invest in then predict the number of scores that will be generated or predict the winning team. Playing soccer gambling games or online C-sports will not be easy without the help of a trusted website, so look for official online soccer gambling sites to protect them from fraud when betting is taking place. Since it is played online, players need a place like the web or an application to place capital to try to get results from bets.

The website is a place to place bets online, each player does not need to be afraid of being cheated when placing landlines, now there is the best facilitator who is the place to place bets. Just fill in the registration column then do the registration, make sure all the fields are filled with accurate data so that the process is fast. After registration is complete, players can use the web or application to select the ball market. Each website provides at least 8 markets for C-sport, including the Asian handicap, mix parlay, odd-even, over-under, first half, correct score, and many more.

Make soccer gambling a source of income that is easy to play with the Terms and Conditions for Becoming the Best and Most Trusted Online Togel Member, do every procedure so that this game can generate very much profit. Choose a genuine facilitator that is not fake so that the betting process does not suffer losses. Make sure the site of your choice guarantees all your needs so that betting becomes smoother.

Official Online Football Gambling Site Functions And Easy Ways To Find Them

Official Online Football Gambling Site Functions And Easy Ways To Find Them

In addition to facilitating betting, the web is a place for transactions before playing the game, each player is required to place an amount of money on the site starting from USD. 10 to USD50 after installing then all markets can be chosen randomly. Each participant must consider predictions before playing, so check the information on the soccer betting market so that the guess is even more sure. Later the exchange will show you the right league and team to play the game online.

Ideally, a website for playing games must have complete services, starting from betting and transaction services. The games provided must also come from large providers such as Sbobet or judi online maxbet. In the world of sbobet, it is widely known for successfully obtaining a license from PAGCOR, the company has developed casino betting, sports, agile, cockfight, and many more. In addition to a license from PAGCOR, players will get services such as safe betting, large profit values, and entertainment to play sports.

The official soccer online gambling site must be a quality place to place bets anytime and anywhere. Players can claim profits smoothly and without deductions, not only that, each participant gets the opportunity to play anywhere and anytime using the application. Even though many offer the best service, try to join the official website at least you are guaranteed security. The increasing number of websites that can be selected to support the game is a little confusing for players, but by applying web quality standards when choosing you can avoid fake sites. Choose a site that collaborates with the sbobet platform so that gaming is free from system and service disturbances.

Take advantage and enrich your experience by joining trusted facilitators who have collaborations with official companies such as sbobet, maxbet, and many more. Choose an official online soccer gambling site to choose the right bet.

Perkembangan Judi Online Selama Masa Pandemic

0 Comments November 13, 2020

Perkembangan Judi Online Selama Masa Pandemic

Pandemi novel coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) berdampak besar pada sebagian besar masyarakat di seluruh dunia termasuk pembatalan dan penundaan acara olahraga. Ini berdampak besar pada industri taruhan olahraga. Studi ini adalah yang pertama menyelidiki perilaku sampel petaruh olahraga online sebelum dan sesudah tindakan COVID-19 diberlakukan oleh pemerintah Eropa. Penulis diberi akses ke data pemain oleh operator perjudian online besar Eropa yang terdiri dari pemain dari Swedia, Jerman, Finlandia, dan Norwegia. Perubahan perilaku petaruh olahraga sebelum 7 Maret dan setelah 7 Maret (2020) telah dihitung. Semua petaruh olahraga yang memasang setidaknya satu taruhan dalam setidaknya 5 minggu kalender dari 10 kemungkinan minggu kalender antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret (n = 5396) dimasukkan dalam analisis. Hasil menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan secara statistik di antara petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh di kasino online. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada konversi uang yang dihabiskan dari taruhan olahraga ke permainan kasino online, setidaknya untuk operator perjudian online tertentu ini. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa ada penurunan signifikan dalam jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan oleh petaruh olahraga selama pandemi COVID-19 (dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya) dan bahwa petaruh olahraga tidak beralih untuk memainkan lebih banyak permainan kasino online dan ada juga yang signifikan. pengurangan bermain game kasino online di antara petaruh olahraga.

Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (2020) menyatakan wabah novel coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) sebagai pandemi pada 11 Maret (2020) (Cucinotta dan Vanelli 2020). Pandemi COVID-19 telah berdampak besar pada sebagian besar masyarakat di seluruh dunia karena cara pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan untuk menghambat penyebaran virus (misalnya, karantina, jarak spasial, penguncian nasional, pelarangan acara di mana sejumlah besar individu berkumpul, dll. .) (Pakpour dan Griffiths 2020). Salah satu konsekuensi dari tindakan pengamanan ini adalah penundaan atau pembatalan hampir semua acara olahraga profesional secara global sejak awal hingga pertengahan Maret 2020 dan seterusnya (misalnya, pembatalan liga sepak bola (sepak bola) di negara-negara seperti Belgia dan Prancis, penundaan liga sepak bola di negara-negara seperti Inggris dan Jerman, penundaan Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 di Jepang, pembatalan acara tenis besar seperti Wimbledon di Inggris).

Pembatalan dan penundaan acara olahraga di Eropa (dan di tempat lain) berdampak besar pada industri taruhan olahraga. Regulator dan pakar bisnis telah berspekulasi tentang bagaimana para pemain bereaksi terhadap fakta bahwa mereka tidak lagi dapat bertaruh pada permainan olahraga. Beberapa regulator, pembuat kebijakan, dan organisasi perawatan telah berspekulasi di media massa bahwa individu akan lebih banyak berjudi online karena terkunci dan menghabiskan begitu banyak kehidupan sehari-hari mereka di rumah dan di dalam ruangan (Davis 2020). Kelompok individu yang sama juga bertanya-tanya apakah petaruh olahraga (yang tidak dapat bertaruh pada acara olahraga) dapat beralih ke perjudian pada jenis aktivitas lain (misalnya, permainan kasino online) sebagai alternatif. Memanfaatkan data pelacakan perilaku, penelitian ini adalah yang pertama menyelidiki perilaku sampel petaruh olahraga online sebelum dan sesudah tindakan COVID-19 diberlakukan oleh pemerintah Eropa.

Data pelacakan perilaku semakin banyak digunakan untuk tujuan penelitian di bidang studi perjudian (Griffiths 2020). Penggunaan data berbasis akun dibandingkan dengan metodologi lain (seperti survei dan eksperimen laporan mandiri) memiliki banyak keuntungan termasuk data obyektif (dibandingkan dengan data laporan mandiri yang tunduk pada banyak bias metode umum seperti keinginan sosial dan ingatan ingatan ) dan fakta bahwa ukuran sampel biasanya jauh lebih besar dalam ribuan atau puluhan ribu (misalnya, Auer dan Griffiths 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020; Braverman dkk. 2013; Braverman dan Shaffer 2012; Broda dkk. 2008; Dragicevic dkk. 2015; LaBrie dkk.2008, LaPlante dkk. 2009; Leino dkk. 2015, 2017; Nelson dkk. 2008; Sagoe dkk. 2018; Xuan dan Shaffer 2009).



Penulis diberi akses ke data pemain oleh operator perjudian online Eropa yang besar. Para pemainnya berasal dari Swedia, Jerman, Finlandia, dan Norwegia, dan penulis melakukan analisis sekunder. Perubahan perilaku petaruh olahraga sebelum 7 Maret dan setelah 7 Maret (2020) telah dihitung. Untuk memilih petaruh olahraga reguler, penulis memilih semua petaruh olahraga yang memasang setidaknya satu taruhan dalam setidaknya 5 minggu kalender dari 10 kemungkinan minggu kalender antara 1 Januari (2020) dan 7 Maret (2020). Ini menghasilkan sampel 5396 petaruh olahraga. Jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan pada acara olahraga dan permainan kasino online sebelum dan sesudah 7 Maret (2020) telah dihitung.

Portofolio produk terdiri dari taruhan olahraga dan permainan kasino online. Data pelacakan perilaku tersedia untuk periode 4 bulan dari 1 Januari (2020) hingga 30 April (2020). Dataset memungkinkan penulis untuk mengidentifikasi pemain yang bertaruh pada olahraga atau bermain game kasino online. Penulis menghitung jumlah pemain taruhan olahraga aktif serta total taruhan harian di semua pemain taruhan olahraga untuk setiap hari antara 1 Januari dan 30 April (2020). Para penulis menganalisis data antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret sebelum pandemi COVID-19 dan data antara 7 Maret dan 20 April selama pandemi COVID-19. Penulis menggunakan tes McNemar untuk membandingkan perubahan dalam partisipasi perjudian sebelum dan sesudah COVID-19. Hasil tes McNemar dalam statistik uji chi-square dan diterapkan untuk perbandingan ukuran berulang dengan data kategori (Caronni dan Sciumè 2017).



Gambar 1 menampilkan rangkaian waktu dari jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan harian dan jumlah harian pemain aktif. Rangkaian waktu menunjukkan bahwa jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan tertinggi dan jumlah pemain harian tertinggi dari 1 Januari hingga 10 Maret (2020) selalu pada hari Sabtu (yaitu, lonjakan tertinggi pada Gambar 1). Lonjakan terakhir yang berada di kisaran yang sebelumnya terjadi pada 7 Maret, dan setelah itu, ada penurunan cepat dalam jumlah pemain aktif serta jumlah total uang yang dipertaruhkan. Tindakan isolasi sosial akibat pandemi COVID-19 dimulai di berbagai negara Eropa sekitar waktu ini.

Karena itu, perubahan perilaku petaruh olahraga sebelum 7 Maret dan setelah 7 Maret (2020) dihitung. Untuk memilih petaruh olahraga reguler, penulis memilih semua pemain yang memasang setidaknya satu taruhan dalam setidaknya 5 minggu kalender dari 10 kemungkinan minggu kalender antara 1 Januari (2020) dan 7 Maret (2020). Ini menghasilkan sampel 5396 petaruh olahraga. Jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan pada acara olahraga dan permainan kasino online sebelum dan sesudah 7 Maret (2020) telah dihitung.

Tabel 1 menunjukkan berbagai olahraga dan statistik spesifik taruhan kasino online untuk petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh pada olahraga dalam 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, atau 10 minggu berbeda antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. Baris kedua Tabel 1 melaporkan persentase pemain yang juga pemain kasino online aktif antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. Misalnya, tiga perempat dari petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh pada olahraga dalam 5 dari 10 minggu kalender antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret juga memainkan permainan kasino online dalam periode waktu yang sama (76%). Baris ketiga melaporkan persentase petaruh olahraga yang juga bermain permainan kasino online antara 7 Maret dan 30 April. Misalnya, sekitar dua pertiga petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh pada olahraga dalam 5 dari 10 minggu kalender antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. juga memainkan permainan kasino online antara 7 Maret dan 30 April (60%).

Perubahan antara dua persentase (petaruh olahraga yang bermain permainan kasino online sebelum dan sesudah 7 Maret) menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam taruhan di antara petaruh olahraga dalam permainan kasino online untuk keenam grup. Nilai chi-square dan p -values ​​dari tes McNemar masing-masing untuk enam kelompok adalah sebagai berikut: taruhan olahraga selama 5 minggu kalender terpisah, χ2 = 83,59, p <0,001; 6 minggu, χ2 = 56,99, p <0,001, 7 minggu, χ2 = 45,66, p <0,001; 8 minggu, χ2 = 18,04, p <0,001; 9 minggu, χ2 = 13,32, p <0,001; dan 10 minggu, χ2 = 5.05, p = 0.025. Tabel 1 juga melaporkan rasio antara jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan per petaruh olahraga dalam permainan kasino online setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret. Rata-rata taruhan per pemain dalam permainan kasino online adalah 54% setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret untuk olahraga. petaruh yang bertaruh dalam 5 dari 10 minggu kalender sebelum 7 Maret. Petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh di setiap minggu kalender sebelum 7 Maret menghasilkan 97% dari taruhan dalam permainan kasino online setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret.

Tabel 2 melaporkan metrik yang sama seperti Tabel 1. Namun, di sini petaruh olahraga telah diklasifikasikan menjadi sepuluh kelompok berukuran sama sesuai dengan jumlah yang dipertaruhkan pada olahraga antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. Kelompok 1 terdiri dari petaruh olahraga dengan jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan terendah selama periode waktu itu, dan grup 10 terdiri dari petaruh olahraga dengan jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan tertinggi dalam periode waktu itu. Mirip dengan Tabel 1, persentase petaruh olahraga yang memainkan permainan kasino online menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam taruhan di antara petaruh olahraga di semua sepuluh grup setelah 7 Maret, dibandingkan dengan periode waktu sebelum 7 Maret. Sepuluh nilai chi-square dan p nilai dari tes McNemar masing-masing adalah sebagai berikut: kelompok 1, χ2 = 12,34, p <0,001; kelompok 2, χ2 = 16,44, p <0,001; kelompok 3 χ2 = 22,48, p <0,001; kelompok 4 χ2 = 12,99 p = 0,0003; kelompok 5 χ2 = 23,47, p <0,0001; kelompok 6 χ2 = 28,84, p <0,0001; kelompok 7 χ2 = 22,36, p <0,0001; kelompok 8 χ2 = 42,17, p <0,0001; kelompok 9 χ2 = 13,51, p = 0,0002; dan kelompok 10 χ2 = 11,82, p = 0,0005. Tabel 2 juga melaporkan rasio antara jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan per petaruh olahraga dalam permainan kasino online setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret untuk masing-masing dari sepuluh kelompok intensitas petaruh olahraga. Jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan per petaruh olahraga dalam permainan kasino online di grup 1 adalah 60% setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret.


Studi ini menyelidiki perilaku perjudian kasino online dari petaruh olahraga operator perjudian online Eropa sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19. Hasil dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa jumlah aktif harian petaruh olahraga dan jumlah yang dipertaruhkan pada olahraga menurun secara signifikan sekitar 10 Maret (lihat Gbr. 1). Setelah tanggal ini, aktivitas taruhan olahraga adalah proporsi yang jauh lebih kecil dari sebelumnya. Tabel 1 dan 2 menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar sampel petaruh olahraga juga memainkan permainan kasino online sebelum COVID-19 antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. Artinya, sebagian besar petaruh olahraga (> 70%) juga merupakan pemain kasino online selama periode ini. .

Penulis pertama-tama mengklasifikasikan petaruh olahraga menurut jumlah minggu berbeda dengan setidaknya satu taruhan. Pemain harus bertaruh setidaknya dalam 5 dari 10 kemungkinan minggu kalender sebelum 7 Maret (2020) untuk ditetapkan sebagai petaruh olahraga reguler. Di semua grup, persentase petaruh olahraga yang memainkan permainan kasino online secara signifikan lebih rendah setelah 7 Maret dibandingkan dengan sebelum 7 Maret. Ini berarti bahwa tidak hanya pemain yang bertaruh lebih sedikit pada olahraga (sebagian besar acara telah dibatalkan pada 7 Maret), tetapi mereka juga lebih sedikit bertaruh pada permainan kasino online. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada konversi uang yang dikeluarkan dari taruhan olahraga ke kasino online, setidaknya untuk operator perjudian online tertentu ini.

Perbedaan terendah antara persentase pemain kasino online sebelum dan setelah 7 Maret terjadi pada warna merah di antara dua kelompok petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh selama 9 dari 10 minggu kalender dan 10 minggu kalender. Persentase petaruh olahraga yang memainkan permainan kasino online sebelum 7 Maret adalah 78% dan setelah 7 Maret adalah 71% untuk mereka yang bertaruh dalam 9 minggu kalender. Persentase petaruh olahraga yang memainkan permainan kasino online sebelum 7 Maret adalah 79% dan setelah 7 Maret adalah 76% untuk mereka yang bertaruh dalam 10 minggu kalender. Kedua perbedaan itu signifikan secara statistik, tetapi memiliki signifikansi yang lebih rendah daripada petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh hanya dalam 5 minggu kalender. Persentase masing-masing untuk mereka yang hanya bertaruh dalam 5 dari 10 minggu kalender adalah 76% sebelum 7 Maret dan 60% setelah 7 Maret.

Meskipun perjudian kasino online tidak menjadi lebih sering, tampaknya petaruh olahraga yang lebih sering juga mempertahankan perjudian kasino online mereka, sedangkan petaruh olahraga yang lebih jarang cenderung berhenti berjudi sama sekali. Kesimpulan ini tidak berlaku untuk intensitas perjudian taruhan olahraga. Tabel 2 menunjukkan sepuluh kelompok penjudi olahraga menurut jumlah taruhan antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret. Perubahan persentase perjudian kasino online serupa di semua kelompok intensitas. Petaruh olahraga yang lebih intens tampaknya tidak memainkan permainan kasino online lebih atau lebih jarang ketika taruhan olahraga tidak tersedia selama pandemi COVID-19. Anda dapat mencoba memilih situs judi terbesar agenmaxbet.

Rasio jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan pada permainan kasino online per pemain sebelum dan sesudah 7 Maret juga dihitung. Tabel 1 dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh selama lebih banyak minggu tidak menurunkan jumlah rata-rata yang dipertaruhkan sebanyak petaruh olahraga yang bertaruh selama lebih sedikit minggu. Taruhan rata-rata petaruh olahraga yang paling sering (bertaruh dalam 10 minggu kalender) rata-rata taruhan kasino setelah 7 Maret adalah 97% dari rata-rata taruhan kasino sebelum 7 Maret. Di sisi lain, persentase yang sama adalah 57% untuk petaruh olahraga yang hanya memasang taruhan selama 5 minggu kalender. Ini berarti bahwa jumlah rata-rata uang yang dipertaruhkan oleh petaruh olahraga di permainan kasino online tetap sama. Ini tidak diamati sehubungan dengan intensitas moneter dalam taruhan olahraga. 10% petaruh olahraga dengan jumlah taruhan tertinggi antara 1 Januari dan 7 Maret tidak menambah atau mengurangi jumlah yang dipertaruhkan lebih dari kelompok intensitas lainnya. Tidak ada hubungan yang jelas antara jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan pada taruhan olahraga dan perubahan dalam jumlah rata-rata yang dipertaruhkan dalam permainan kasino online.

Studi ini mencakup beberapa keterbatasan yang harus dipertimbangkan saat menafsirkan temuan. Pertama, hasil penelitian ini berasal dari data dari basis pemain tunggal operator perjudian online Eropa yang terdiri dari empat negara Eropa (Swedia, Norwegia, Finlandia, dan Jerman). Basis pemain operator perjudian online ini berasal dari negara tertentu, dan pemain dari negara lain mungkin telah bertaruh secara berbeda selama penguncian COVID-19 dan kurangnya acara olahraga untuk dipertaruhkan. Kedua, tidak diketahui totalitas perilaku perjudian di kalangan peserta karena dataset hanya mencakup perilaku perjudian peserta di operator perjudian online khusus ini. Ketiga, ada kemungkinan bahwa beberapa akun mungkin telah digunakan oleh lebih dari satu penjudi (misalnya, suami dan istri atau ayah dan anak laki-laki) meskipun jumlah kejadiannya cenderung rendah. Keempat, kumpulan data studi diperoleh dari periode waktu dari Januari hingga April 2020 (inklusif). Karena penguncian sebagai akibat dari pandemi COVID-19 masih aktif di banyak negara pada 30 April (dan sebagian besar acara olahraga masih ditunda atau dibatalkan), petaruh olahraga mungkin sudah mulai memainkan permainan kasino lebih intens setelah 30 April.

Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara kurangnya acara taruhan olahraga untuk dipertaruhkan oleh para penjudi dan peningkatan frekuensi dan intensitas perjudian kasino online. Secara keseluruhan, frekuensi bertaruh pada permainan kasino online oleh petaruh olahraga online sebelum penguncian terkait COVID-19 menurun secara signifikan selama periode pandemi COVID-19. Namun, petaruh olahraga online yang lebih jarang (tetapi reguler) secara signifikan menurunkan jumlah uang yang dipertaruhkan pada permainan kasino online lebih dari petaruh olahraga online (biasa) yang lebih sering. Petaruh olahraga online yang sering bertaruh pada permainan kasino online tetap kurang lebih sama sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19.

Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa spekulasi bahwa individu mungkin menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dan uang untuk berjudi secara online sebagai akibat dari dikurung di rumah mereka untuk jangka waktu yang lama tampaknya tidak berdasar. Penurunan dalam perjudian secara keseluruhan mungkin disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor termasuk individu yang memiliki lebih sedikit uang untuk berjudi karena potensi penghasilan pekerjaan mereka telah lebih rendah selama pandemi, individu yang tidak ingin berjudi di depan anggota keluarga mereka, atau individu yang menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk berjudi. kegiatan lain seperti menghabiskan “waktu berkualitas” dengan keluarga mereka atau akhirnya memiliki waktu untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih besar di sekitar rumah dan taman (misalnya, mendekorasi dan memperbaiki rumah dan taman). Studi ini adalah yang pertama menyelidiki secara empiris apakah taruhan meningkat atau menurun di antara para penjudi (dalam hal ini, petaruh olahraga secara khusus) selama periode ketika banyak orang tinggal di rumah selama penguncian terkait pandemi COVID-19.

The Advantages Of Playing Online Gambling Are Profitable

0 Comments October 10, 2020

The Advantages Of Playing Online Gambling Are Profitable

Online gambling sites are places to play all kinds of gambling games with real money bets that are processed virtually or accessed online via the internet. As a real money betting gambling lover, who hasn’t tried to play online gambling or is still hesitant to try. This indeed often disturbs the minds of gambling players who play gambling only in the land-based area. Which one is afraid that money will be run away or other tricks. This will not happen as long as you select and choose the right site. With a note that you have to be good at choosing the right site before playing. You can do this by looking for information about how to choose a trusted and safe site on the internet. So choosing to play gambling online is a safe and easy choice for you.

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The advantages of playing online gambling are profitable

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There are many more advantages that players can feel when playing directly on online gambling at site. So playing on online gambling sites is not the wrong choice. With your advice, first, choose the right online gambling site that is officially licensed and the best.

Thing You Should Know When Choosing Gambling Site

0 Comments September 19, 2020
Thing You Should Know When Choosing Gambling Site

Online slot game games are one of the most enjoyable online gambling games. This game is very popular among gambling lovers, this is because slot game games are very profitable for players. But before starting the game, it would be nice if we know the various talks and tips for choosing a trusted online slot gambling site. You must know that there are indeed many and varied sites that you can choose from. You should really be able to know and be able to understand very well about guides that you can rely on.

Playing Online Slot Gambling is currently becoming a great way to be able to quickly multiply your capital money. If you choose to play slot gambling, then you don’t have to bother looking for tricks to play because in slot gambling what you really need is high luck so you can win lots of jackpots and profit

Because not a few gambling players are disadvantaged due to the wrong choice of sites to play slot games, because of that, before starting to play, understand how and tips for choosing a trusted online slot gambling site. Searching from the best and most trusted agent sites is sometimes difficult, easy. There are many things that can be considered and checked properly so that then you can really find the best and most trusted site. You can rely on any number of ways that make it very easy and possible for you to win.
The following below are things you need to pay attention to in choosing a Trusted Online Slot Gambling Site:

A. Offers only realistic bonuses

Now the first you can start by making sure you will not be cheated. To be sure you have to know that the site doesn’t promise unrealistic bonuses like cars or motorbikes because that will never happen. It’s just a fishing rod so you want to be a part of their members and it has nothing to do with your profits.

B. Many facilities are provided

For the next feature, you can also find out the many facilities they provide to members. For example, a more complete choice of slot machines so that you have many options to win the biggest jackpot is one way to open your chances of winning. Things like this prove that the site can meet the needs of its members.

C. There is an official license

If you find a slot bookie that has an official license, then that is the characteristic of the site that you need.Only with an official license you can trust that the site is an official online gambling site that you can certainly trust and rely on. You don’t have to worry anymore about the standards of the site. The senior gambling player always like to play here this slot game with the trusted bookie slot like example that site name betberry.

D. Standard minimum deposit to be paid

Besides that, you can also see from the side of the minimum deposit that you have to pay. The point is that you have to make sure that not a single point deviates from the standard that is common on other slot gambling sites. That way you will not be fooled or disadvantaged because you trust a site that is never even guaranteed.

E. Providing unlimited services

For example, you can see from the live chat feature they provide. Is it good to answer your difficulties? is it available 24 hours? Is it old and inaccurate? And so on that can make you hampered when you need help from the slot gambling site that you registered. Things like this are not important and have nothing to do with winning, even though things like this will show whether you can trust the site or not.

7 Of The Most Desirable Online Gambling Games In Indonesia

0 Comments July 16, 2020

7 Of The Most Desirable Online Gambling Games In IndonesiaAs we know, gambling games are games that have existed since time immemorial. Some say that this game grew and grew with Chinese civilization. In developed countries, gambling is used as a daily game for the people.

In Indonesia, which recorded legalizing gambling, the number of fans of various types of gambling also continues to grow. Especially after the existence of online gambling games.

Well, of the many online gambling agent games that can be played, there are some of the most popular in Indonesia. Some of the reasons are because some of the following gambling games offer large prizes, are easy to play and challenging to play. The following online gambling game:

1. Ball Gambling

Online soccer gambling is part of the online gambling sportbook category. This online betting game is a place where football lovers, especially soccer, can place bets in various soccer competitions in the world.

This game thrives with the growth of ball supporters in the country. Some of the most popular competitions are the English league, Spanish league, Italian league, European champions league, including the league in the country and several other major leagues.

In addition to its easy play, soccer betting also offers lucrative winning prizes. Even more interesting, many players come from various directions to play soccer gambling together. Nothing wrong if then the online soccer gambling site is always crowded with gamblers homeland.

2. Online Poker

Online Poker

This online gambling game is popular in Indonesia because it has become a daily game. A playing card consisting of 52 cards is a card that we usually encounter when there are events in the community, especially rural communities. Various types of poker games are usually played there. Although most are done without betting.

The goal of online poker is to produce the best combination. Sometimes there is the highest combination that wins and sometimes the lowest combination wins. Depending on the type of poker game that is followed. Some of the most popular types of poker such as Texas Holdem Poker, Omaha Poker, 7 Card Draw and others.

This game is much popular because it not only pits luck alone, but also collides mentally, strategy and instincts during play. Especially in the world there are a variety of poker competitions that offer very large prizes. The average big online poker agent in the country has 5 thousand online members every day.

3. Live Casino Online

Online casino is basically a casino game that can be played on gadgets online or online betting. So generally all the games in casino gambling can be played at online casinos. What we need to do before playing online casino play is to visit an online casino agent or website first then register and play.

Some types of online casinos that are widely favored in the country such as baccarat played by choosing which of the two cards owned by the player and the dealer approaching number 9. Then there is roulette which is played by guessing at what number the ball will stop in a wheel that rotated. In addition there is also Sicbo (a kind of dice game) and Dragon Tiger.

4. Slot gambling

Next there is slot gambling which until now has remained popular in casinos. This game is much in demand in the country because it is easy to play but offers a very large prize. Just keep in mind, slot gambling is also the easiest to spend money if it is not played correctly.

No need special expertise in playing this game. All it takes is a little understanding of how the game works. Players will be faced with a slot machine consisting of several reels. The player’s job is only to press the play button so that the machine scrambles the symbol and issues a certain combination. If you’re lucky, you will get a jackpot with a fantastic value.

5. Fish Hunter

Fish Hunter

In the world, online fish shooting gambling games may not be too popular. But this game is very famous in Indonesia. Games that have other names shooting fish are very easy to play.

The player’s job is just to press the shoot button and aim it at the fish to be caught. The more fish you get shot, the more prizes you get. The bigger the fish, the bigger the prize. Just keep in mind, the bullets used are coins and coins get from your money. So make sure your shots are aimed at the right target.

6. Lottery

Big Lot with the history of gambling in the country. Previously, this game was played in many people’s homes, especially during the royal period. Many people play it.

Until now, lottery is still preferred by gamblers in the country. Especially for adults. To play it you don’t need special skills. Players only need to tackle numbers that come out in accordance with market rules that are followed. There are free plugs, sharp plugs, dragon plugs, 2D plugs and so on.

7. Domino QQ

Similar to poker, domino qq is also a game that uses cards as its medium. Only those used are not playing cards, but dominoes. This game can be played by 2 to 6 people online in each round. Each player will get four cards to get the 2 best combination cards.


0 Comments March 22, 2020


Winning is what all bettors covet. Whether it’s playing live casino, online lottery, or online poker. This game applies to games of gambling (Sportsbook).

Winning the next to make a withdrawal and get cash. The more wins we get, the more complete our happiness.
But is it that easy?

For sportsbook betting this makes perfect sense. Accepting Sportsbook is the most challenging type of gambling and far from competition.

Or are you a skeptic who thinks gambling is a game of luck?
Whether you believe it or not, in this world about the types of people who have the ability to see opportunities and always get a win in Sportsbook gambling.

No need to look far abroad, just enough to be seen in Indonesia.

Try asking the Gambling Agent where you are playing, there are people who have been blacklisted and are free to play at the Agent because they have to get the win.

Every Online Gambling Agent, big or small, in MAKE SURE has a list of players who have been blacklisted and Sportsbook gambling players keep a list of players issued this.

This is only natural …

Because Online Gambling Agencies are also profit-oriented companies. If the players who play with them always get the win, how do they profit?
Precisely such a thing by letting go of playing is still at a good one.
The most jerk is the Online Gambling Agent who does not pay the members victory. This is a new problem … But this topic will be our subject today.

Let’s return to our original topic …

According to professional gamblers out there, many say if you want to play gambling, there are only two types of gambling that is most likely for us to win, namely Sportsbook and Online Poker.
But armed with chancy and hope to always win.
Eliminate your desire to become an approved professional gambler just for you to expect at the Celebration !!
Always remember this formula

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity
So there are two keywords here, Preparation and Opportunity
It is useless for you to do soccer gambling without preparing knowledge or information about the world of football.
Better to get rid of your desire to play online soccer gambling. It’s better for you to play Casino Online as well or play fishing.
More exciting and tense … right?
So without further bases, here are practical steps to increase your chances of winning in playing soccer gambling.

1. Expand Knowledge About Football

Has been discussed a little further if we need to upgrade knowledge about the world of football. The world of football is very broad, bro.
Football is not merely the sport of kicking the ball has become an extraordinary business today. Football is a favorite sport in the world.
Get to know and feel about football clubs, who are the players, who are the main players, how are their strengths and so on. Information like this will help a lot in your decision in betting.
In addition you also need to get information such as the defeat of the team last week, whether this team is competing to be a champion or vice versa is in the abyss of degradation and so forth.

2. Get One Ball Prediction Subscription Site

There are lots and lots of soccer prediction sites on the internet. Starting from the one inside to the one in England.
Do not believe?
Just try searching on Google with the keyword “ball predictions”
You can use sites that support Indonesia if your English is not very good.
Very little can be released which cannot be predicted by Indonesian, which has complete features. Can only be approved only made carelessly, not based on existing facts.
You can see an example if you collect …
Only some important information is available wherever the match is, who the opponent is and the last five matches or head-to-head between the two teams that will compete.
That’s all …
With the final section made a predictive score that can be from where or based on what information the score is made.

If made like that, it feels like elementary school children are also able to make it. Is it right ?
So here you are, it is not our intention to insult or vilify but why not make a more complete fact considering this will be our material and consideration for making a bet.
There is money to be used here … and anyway what makes it most are gambling agents too. So what’s wrong with making more complete references.
Let’s compare it with one of the most complete overseas sites in our opinion,
On this site you can see clearly and completely about predictions that will take place. Prediction score is not made carelessly but this is made based on information and data that is not haphazard.
There are data on the likelihood of an injured player, what factors will make a team play more spartan, how the characteristics of a team and how the team’s current condition.
By having information from various sources like this, it will be easier for us to make a bet.

3. Understand and Understand the Football Gambling You Want to Play
Well, this must be answered honestly by those of you who read this article.

“Do you know and understand fully about the soccer gambling that you play?
The problem is that many people claim to know and just know but don’t really understand what it is playing.
There are many terms in this soccer gambling game such as Odds, Key, Fur, Market and so on …

What are Odds and how do Odds show such numbers, and how many keys for bets you will place are important things in soccer gambling.
Do not be taken lightly Odds and Key because these two things are important factors in the game of soccer gambling. If you have never highlighted the odds and key sections then we can be sure you are the type of gambler who spends more money than getting a win.

What are Odds?

Odds can be said is the opportunity or opportunity of a team to obtain victory. Odds will be directly proportional to the combat ability of a team to win a match.
The higher the odds, the smaller the team wins and vice versa, the lower the odds of a team, the higher the chance that the team will win.
The bookies of football gambling such as Maxbet or Sbobet are not fools. They also understand this.

4. Look for Games that Have the Best Odds and Markets

This is the fundamental mistake of Indonesian soccer gamblers to be too monotonous and only play competitions in the big leagues such as the English League, Spain, Italy, Germany or France.
Whereas Maxbet and Sbobet are the two most popular bookies in Asia today, capable of providing more than 1400 matches per week.
Look closely, if the Odds or the Market given is not very suitable or you doubt, then it is better to look for another match that has a higher chance for us to win.
If there are no markets or good odds in the big league, don’t hesitate to play in the small league / worm. Like the Greek League, the Russian League or the Indonesian League if there really is one.
Never doubt … always improvising is better
Playing betting or gambling is our orientation is to get profit and profit is not only because our team wins or our favorite team is playing.
And this will be our next tip at number 5.

5. Never bet on your favorite team

This is also the fault of many Indonesian bettors, betting on their favorite team and worse there are those who only bet when their favorite team competes.
This is a fatal mistake ….
Not that you shouldn’t favor a team or make a fanciful trip with soccer teams but put it on a bet? better think again
Why ?
Because when we are fans of a team, we tend not to be neutral in making a decision.
The decisions we make tend to be biased
Supposing you are in love with a beautiful woman …. any badness from the woman will not make you tremble or recede. Even you will still defend him.
So try not to bet on your favorite team.
There are lots of teams that are competing every week. Why is the choice for your favorite team?

6. See the Potential of Less Popular Bets

If you may ask, how many types of soccer betting do you know?
1, 3 or 5?
According to available data, the types of football betting available on a soccer gambling site like Maxbet are approximately 20 types of bets !!!
Lots of it right?
We even dare to make sure that most bettors might only know Handicap, 1 x 2, Over Under, Odd Even or Mix Parlay as types of football betting.
Even though there are still other bets such as Correct Score, Outright, Full Time & Half Time bet, Last Goal and First Goal, First Yellow Card, First Corner, and others.
There are countless opportunities and valuable potential in an ironically abandoned bet.
One example is Outright betting.
This bet is a type of bet that predicts a team / individual to be a champion in a competition.
Remember the 2014/2015 season in the English League when Leicester City won? well at that time how many odds is this team to win?
5,000 times … bro?
So assume you bet 20 thousand rupiah as a minimum bet on a football gambling agent. Just multiply the payment amount
20,000 x 5000 = 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Rupiah) !!
Fantastic is not it?
That is if you put up 20 thousand rupiah, how about 100 thousand or 1 million rupiah. Just multiply yourself …
It is not easy to win, but just fad, who knows just translucent.
After all … we are also not forced to bet big on this type of bet. Think of it as an investment if your guess is right it means the investment is successful while if it misses it means it fails.
But even so there is a drawback from this bet type that is this bet is a type of long-term bet whose results will only be known until next year. Depending on how long the competition lasts.
But if you understand and know that the prizes are amazingly large then it feels like this type of bet is too bad to miss.

7. Jelly See the Market and Ball Odds

  • There are times when looking for a soccer match that we will bet, we find an oddity or oddity in terms of markets and odds.
  • For example, when a super team in football suddenly gives only a small amount of fur to a team that is much lower strength.
  • Yet according to our knowledge, the match should be given 2-ball fur but by the bookies are only given a low fur by 0.5 ball or 1 ball.
    What is this ?

Immediately rush to install ah … who knows the system error from the city!
Then you are finished, if you do that.
Things like this should be watched precisely.
Why ? Usually if there is an odd fur like that, there must be a thing or event that escapes our knowledge. However, the incident has been known by the bookies. For example, the club’s mainstay players who suddenly can not play, or the team is conducting trials with the latest tactics, preparation for a more prestigious match and so forth. This is what often happens to many bettors. Instead, they blamed the match by assuming collusion or soap games, and so on.

8. Playing 1 x 2 Bets

Why really …?
Yes … you are not misreading, 1 x 2 betting actually has a great potential to inflate your credit balance. This is because this type of bet that has no market or furan at all so it’s quite easy. Even elementary school kids can win this fight.
An example is the match between Real Madrid vs Atalanta or Germany against Malaysia. But the weight is to calculate how much nominal money we want to play for this match.

This is related to one thing, namely the odds given for this match are very small especially if the match takes place between a super category category against a super duper weak team !!
Not infrequently even in a 1 x 2 bet with a capital of 1 million rupiahs we only managed to get paid 150 thousand rupiahs or even there are only 20 thousand rupiahs !!!
But once it misses, the 1 million rupiah capital can be directly depleted and sometimes even greater than the initial nominal bet.
If you are the type of person who is patient and has no problem getting a little extra money then this bet is perfect for you.

9. If Possible Have ID on Other Soccer Gambling Sites

In order to get maximum results, there are times when playing on one soccer gambling site is not enough.
Outside there are lots of other soccer gambling sites, both of which have a good reputation, very good or mediocre.
Soccer gambling site means the bookie of the football gambling that you play is not a football gambling agent. This is a different matter.
Soccer gambling sites include Maxbet, Sbobet, 368bet, Pinbet or others.
It never hurts for you to see the markets and odds that are on other gambling sites you know. Because everything is not the same …
For example, in Maxbet you don’t have a good market, you can try on Sbobet or vice versa.
Moreover, to have an account / ID is still free !!

10. Always Implement Strict Management And Obey

The most important thing in playing online gambling, no matter what type of game you are. Whether it’s playing Sportsbook, Casino, Cockfighting or other things.

Financial management of your balance is a necessary thing to do. For example is limiting how many wins / losses to do. When to stop playing, and when to raise your bet.

Without good management control over your balance you will undoubtedly be without results in the various online gambling that you follow.
In fact this is also done by professional gambling players in the world. Obey what has been committed to themselves.

By following the 10 practical steps above we are sure that you will get a victory and succeed in building a positive balance in this football gambling game or Sportsbook.

One more thing that is often a “ghost” among bettors is greedy. This includes things you should avoid in online gambling games.
Limit yourself by calculating how many wins you have to get per day and don’t try to get more than that. Eliminate greed

Slowly but surely it is much better than fast rising and fast running out.
Alright up to here first our topic this time about “How to Win Ball Gambling With 10 Practical Steps”. We hope that this article can help those of you who have always reaped defeat in playing.

The Best Bets In Casino Online

0 Comments March 5, 2020

The Best Bets In Casino Online

Whether you play in Las Vegas lights or at home with coffee and casino on your computer, the games they offer are very similar. All games have advantages. this means that in the long run, the house always wins. The advantage of working at home like this – if you flip a coin, the probability seems 50%. Therefore, if you bet $ 1, you can expect to get $ 2. However, the casino will pay less, maybe $ 0.95. In this case, the house edge is 2.5%.

The house edge is the difference between real opportunities and opportunities offered by casinos. Each game will offer a variety of Paris and each bet will give a different opportunity and place. Obviously, if you want to leave the casino with more money than you are advised to keep a house in Paris that offers the lowest limit. It is possible to reach the top if you stick with the strategy, have a little luck on your side and, of course, the right choice to take Paris. Here is a list of 10 games and 10 Paris proposals offering the best chance to win.

The Best Bets In Casino Online - Casino Online

1. Poker

this is obvious. First, poker has a large element of skill where, if good, it will swing the opportunity. But most importantly, don’t play house. Poker is played against other players, not home and therefore no home advantage. They make money by taking a percentage of each round of the pot.

2. Video Poker

Video poker is a game that involves a high level of competition and, therefore, can increase your chances of practicing and learning to play correctly. Most machines provide a house edge of less than 0.5% and some home gains are even 0%. Obviously it depends on the engine check before playing.

3. Baccarat

Offers two paris with low yields, but it’s better to bet on bankers. Paris bankers offer homes a profit of only 1.06%.

Paris to give players a home benefit of 1.24%. Paris players and bankers who have never taken bets on lottery, he is known as “Paris dot” because the house edge is 14.4%

4. Craps

some good Paris offers that are worth seeing. Paris 6 or 8 is a good bet with a house edge of 1.52%. Apart 7, 6 and 8 are the most likely numbers to be rolled up.

line pass / not pass paris value is a good deal. Paris Pass online offers a home edge of 1.41% and offers not pass line betting house profits of only 1.14%. However, do not pass the bet, you bet against the shooter can not be good at the casino because you get when everyone loses.

Given – the possibility of Paris. Paris offers a zero limit at home. All of this Paris is sort of actually paid for by chance.

5. Blackjack 

If you follow the “basic strategy” for Blackjack, the house edge is reduced to less than 1%. This can vary slightly depending on the number of decks that the casino uses. The basic strategy is to base their bets on strict mathematical rules.

Card counting. First, it is important to note that the number of cards is illegal. For additional information if you want to play blackjack online with fair and free bet you can register at But I am favored by casinos and if you are not careful then you can ask or just the shuffle will start after each hand. In online casinos, cards shake after each hand so you cannot count cards online. A learning to count cards, you can really give positive results from 2% of households.

6. Pai Gow

A Pai Gow game, you can choose to act as a banker. You pay 5% commission for the house if you win (this is not the same as the house edge). You get money players can win if you have the skills to reach the top.

Many people argue that games have been improved and online casinos are scams. This makes no sense. This game is not fixed or needs improvement. Home and all casino games, always provide home benefits. You can reach and many people, but you have a little luck on your side.

Related Article : The Legend Of Cockfight Gambling

The Legend Of Cockfight Gambling

0 Comments November 23, 2019
The Legend Of Cockfight Gambling

Cockfight is considered as a blood sports because two roosters are made to fight each other in a ring that was called cockpit. this game was first seen in indus valley civilization in 2000 before century and this game was popular in india, china, persia, indonesia and later was introduced to greece in 524-460 before century.

In Indonesia cockfight gambling was called judi sabung ayam which was one of the traditional gambling game that still being played until today in indonesia. And at India in the Tamil region area, it was known as one of the 64 arts, and the match was done using jungle fowls. The Romans also adopted this and many romans are said to have spent most of their time beside the cockpit.

Cocks Rearead For Fighting

The gamecocks were well conditioned and of a special breed, and given excellent care till the age of 2. The wagers were set. The fighting was of 2 kinds: one with atiny low knife tied sort of a bracelet to the articulatio plana of the cock, wherever the spurs square measure, and also the different, with the spurs alone.

The Two varieties of Fights

The fighting is unto death in some cases whereas in others, it’s fought with naked heels. The death fights, every of twenty-minute durations, have 3 rounds, with a niche of twenty minutes in between. the traditional fights are four rounds of quarter-hour every with a clear stage of fifteen minutes.

Banned in Europe and also the USA

Cock fighting is assumed to be a monstrous sport by animal welfare and animal rights activists and others; this is often as a result of the birds square measure place to tons of physical torture that they intercommunicate on one another. Nowadays, cock fighting is prohibited in Europe and also the USA.

Cockfights and card-playing in South America

Many South yank countries still have cockfights. The cockfights square measure administered in square measureas that have seats for the viewers that are placed round the ring. card-playing takes place on these cockfights. blood sport is stratified beside sports like baseball and football.

The Cockfights in island

In island the cockfights square measure called tajens, and although it’s been prohibited since 1981, it’s still administered, however just for non secular reasons. there’s associate degree ancient ritual in island that needs blood to be spilt, and then they use a cock fight to spill the blood. The spilt blood is then offered to evil spirits. girls don’t seem to be even allowed to look at the fights. The cocks fight with a pointy knife that’s referred to as taji.

The quick Development of Cockfights within the Philippines

In the Philippines, blood sport is understood as Sabong. Legal cockfights square measure command each week in cockpits. you may additionally realize misappropriated cockfights in open areas. Cockfights square measure command with knives. There are derbies command. In these derbies, the owner fields a set range of cocks and also the one with the foremost range of wins get the jackpot. The Philippines have hosted many another World Slasher hat. New cockpits square measure currently being inbuilt the Philippines. blood sport remains terribly illustrious everywhere the planet excluding some European countries and also the USA. currently it’s additionally gone on-line and also the card-playing is high.

Great Potential for Future Gambling

Cockfighting has been a sport of the traditional times and even currently it attracts large crowds. it’s additionally thought of to be a sport, that is related to non secular rites. blood sport is developing into a good arena for gambling.

If you love to play slot games you may like to read our article : 7 Unique Facts About Slot Machines You Don’t Know

7 Unique Facts About Slot Machines You Don’t Know

0 Comments November 6, 2019

7 Unique Facts About Slot Machines You Don't KnowSlot machine games are one of the most fun and exciting casino games. This game is perfect for beginner gambling players because the rules of the game are not complicated. All you need to do in this game is just pull the lever, and hope your luck is being good so you can get the jackpot pattern you want. That is why any casino has never missed setting up a place for this one game engine. Apart from that, slots are also popular in online casinos. In this article, we will share some unique facts about slot machines that you might not know about.

“Liberty” slot machine

The mechanic from San Francisco, California, named Charles Fey was the inventor of the slot machine. In 1880 he completed a simple automatic machine with three spinning devices. Each spinning device is designed with five symbols which are heart, diamond, spade, horseshoe, and freedom bell. That is why this finding is called the slot machine “Liberty”.

7 Unique Facts About Slot Machines You Don't KnowSlot Machines are the Center of Casino Attention

Without slot machines, the casino industry will be very bleak. Yes, of course! According to statistics, 85% of the average casino revenue in the United States comes from slot machines. Based on the 2016 game control report at the Nevada Gaming Control Board, a casino can get more than 7 billion dollars in 12 months from slot machines, compared to only 4 billion dollars from table games. Not surprisingly, casino owners pay a lot of attention to the availability of gambling machines on this one.

Current Slot Machines Are Very Different

The first slot machine was made using simple mechanical tools such as coin slots, levers, carriages, and spinning tools. Today, modern slots are made using 1,200 components and separate parts assembled by more than 300 people. This includes bill validators, machine racks, number scrambler software, video monitors, touch screens and more. Charles Fey, the inventor, himself might not recognize these parts because of so many changes.

Slot Machines Save America from the Economic Crisis

In the early 1980s, the United States experienced a global recession. As a result, this superpower is almost paralyzed with rising unemployment, rising inflation, and rising interest rates. To minimize the crisis, the government legalized gambling in almost all states. Gambling machines also gained popularity. Slot machines dominated saloon and casino at that time. And, this has proven effective in overcoming the country’s crisis problems.

Japan Has More Slot Machines Than The United States

Based on data, the United States has more than 800,000 slot machines from all registered casinos. Interestingly, no one would have thought that Japan had a number of slot machines that surpassed the United States of more than 5 million units in total. If the ratio of people to machines in the United States is 1: 350, Japan has one slot machine for every 20 people.

Local Residents Prefer Gambling Than Tourists

Gambling in the United States continues to grow and is in demand. Since 1980, the level of local gambling players has increased from 30% to 80%. In Las Vegas, Nevada, the number of local casino visitors increased 4 times from 450,000 in 1980 to 2 million in 2010. Two-thirds of these local visitors even go to the casino every month.

Slot Machines Are Most Addictive Than Other Games

According to many studies, slot machine games are considered to be the most addictive compared to other types of casino games. Ease of access and game mechanisms result in this effect.

Which of the seven facts do you know and which do you not know? Now you know who the creators of the famous slot machines are, how they are developed, how slot machines bring such a huge economic impact in America, and what country actually has the most casino machines in the world!